• Soul Cartography

  • Graphing the centering points, patterns, & directions of your life

  •  A 5-week hands-on workshop

    Date:  beginning Tuesday, May 9, 2017

    Time:  7:30pm - 9pm

    Teacher:  Joseph Hakim Anderson
    Joseph is a shamanic healer, spiritual teacher, and leader of Soul Cartography workshops.  Click here for more about Joseph.

  • Registration:  $125

    For more detailed information about registering, see Joseph's website.

    Class size:  Limited to 5 students.

    Location: North Seattle. Details provided upon registration.

  • A fresh perspective on where your soul's journey is taking you and how you can proceed toward your destination with joy, trust, and confidence.

    Soul Cartography is a set of four drawing exercises for mapping the dimensions and directions of your personal story. In this five-session class we will use these exercises, along with guidance from world wisdom traditions, to explore the centering points, patterns, and directions of our lives. Like any other map, a map of your life can help orient you, and show you where you've been and where you want to go.

    The Soul Cartography exercises will help you tap into the power of intuition to support your personal process of becoming. Creativity, courage, and imagination are required - but no artistic experience needed.

    Among the wisdom sources we'll draw on during the course:

    • Circular diagrams of power, including the four directions and the mandala
    • Symbols and metaphors as portals to a deeper understanding of ourselves (drawing on the depth psychology work of C. J. Jung and his followers)
    • The patterns and landforms of the natural world
    • Chanting, ritual, and other tools for deepening intention
    • ...and most importantly, the wisdom available to you from your own imagination and intuition: there is no better source!

    For inspiration, the first class session includes a slide presentation by Victoria Scarlett entitled "The Forest, Fairy Tales, and the Journey of Life."   This psycho-poetic reflection explores forests as places of journey, landscape, and narrative.  It digs into the symbolism of forests and their place in mythical journeys by looking at delightful fairy tale illustrations--as well as contemporary magical realist paintings.  We'll see how in experience (as well as in imagination) forests are a place of challenges and danger, but also magic, blessing and transformation.  Click here for more about Victoria.

    For more information on the Soul Cartography class (including details on class sessions, comments from students who've participated, and Joseph's blogging on the subject) see Joseph

    For more information (including details on individual sessions, comments from students who've participated, and Joseph's blogging on the subject) see Joseph.