Sacred art attracts, intrigues, nourishes, and inspires us in fundamental ways through our senses
Face to face with the beauty of sacred art, we are nourished by that which is eternal and transcendent.
An encounter with sacred art provides us with opportunities to pause, meditate, and connect to our deeper knowing selves.
Sacred art opens our hearts, enabling us to drop illusions of separation, judgment, and fear.
Exploring the riches of the world’s sacred art, we are fortified in our journey toward wholeness.
The Center for Sacred Art is an independent multi-faith arts organization based in Seattle that offers inspirational and educational events. We develop, produce, and present quality programming for adults that illumines and explores the intersection of contemporary spirituality and sacred art traditions of the world. Our programs are known for their depth, beauty, and richness of content. Learn more
Victoria Scarlett is the Center's resident visual arts expert. For over 35 years she has specialized in the understanding, appreciation, and history of sacred art, the visual culture of which it is a part, and its place in devotional and meditative practices.
Victoria Scarlett is the Center's resident visual arts expert. For over 35 years she has specialized in the understanding, appreciation, and history of sacred art, the visual culture of which it is a part, and its place in devotional and meditative practices.
Would you like to host a sacred arts program? Are you part of a group that's interested in the intersection between sacred arts of the world and spirituality? If you live in the Seattle, Washington area one of our visual arts programs might be interesting for your group.
Would you like to host a sacred arts program? Are you part of a group that's interested in the intersection between sacred arts of the world and spirituality? If you live in the Seattle, Washington area one of our visual arts programs might be interesting for your group.
Our mailing list is the best way for you to keep informed about upcoming programs. We do not advertise widely. Typically announcements are sent no more than once a month.
Our mailing list is the best way for you to keep informed about upcoming programs. We do not advertise widely. Typically announcements are sent no more than once a month.
The mandalas of Tibetan Buddhism, the mihrab of a Muslim mosque, the icons of Eastern Christianity direct our attention toward the divine and help us settle into prayer. Spiritual wisdom from around the world teaches us that wayward attention is a primary obstacle to spiritual growth and development. The physicality of sacred art that engages and inspires our senses helps us develop a steadiness and consistency in spiritual practice.
Beauty attracts, intrigues, nourishes and inspires us at many levels, from the physical and emotional to the intellectual and spiritual. The Sufi tradition, as presented by Rumi, Hafiz, and many others, teaches us that beauty in all its forms opens our hearts to one another and to God. Paradoxically, our encounters with the beautiful—in an image, a musical phrase, a dance, or a dome, leads us inevitably toward the divine--the one reality that is beyond images and forms.
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© 2000-2024 Center for Sacred Art, Seattle, WA, USA